Middle School
PCA's Middle School
Middle School students thrive on attention from others, need acceptance from peers and desire to know more about the world around them. They are developmentally at the season of their lives when habits, character and values become solidified. Through providing an array of rigorous curricular and co-curricular opportunities, it is a privilege to come alongside families challenging our Middle School students to do all for the greater glory of God. The grade levels included in PCA’s Middle School are Fifth through Eighth.
Middle School Highlights
- Biblically integrated curriculum
- Apple© one-to-one iPad program with iPads
- Curriculum-aligned special programs and activities
- Weekly Chapel and advisory groups
- Service projects with a missions focus
- Emphasis on written communication skills through Collins Thinking and Writing Program
- Project-based learning
- Bible as a core subject
- A strong math curriculum
- Strong grammar focus through Shurley Grammar
- Healthy habits feedback with the Fitnessgram program in P.E.
- World Language instruction in Spanish, French and Latin
- Fine Arts focus through music, art and theatre classes
- Grade level trips and retreats
- Early and Extended Day are available
Enrichment Opportunities
Enrichment opportunities at Prestonwood Christian Academy are designed to enhance the vertically-aligned curriculum through the addition of innovative learning experiences which extend beyond the classroom.
- Student Leadership Institute
- Biblical Worldview Institute
- High Touch, High Tech
- Stand Up and Be Heard
- Lions Scholar Program
- Future Problem Solvers
- Constitutional Convention
- Fitnessgram
- Regional Fair
- Honor Guard
Student Leadership Institute
The mission of Student Leadership Institute is to assist our Seventh and Eighth Grade students in the development of their leadership philosophy and skills by exposing them to a biblically based, practical, multifaceted year-long program. The core principles upon which we focus are: serving others, evangelism/engaging the culture and serving in a local church.
Biblical Worldview Institute
One of the most distinctive elements of Prestonwood Christian Academy is the school’s intentional focus on developing a biblical worldview. Biblical Worldview Institute was created to give students, faculty and parents the opportunity to think critically about Christianity around the world!
Check out our Biblical Worldview Institute page to learn about this year's conference and watch speakers from past years!
High Touch, High Tech
Stand Up and Be Heard
The purpose of the Stand Up and Be Heard Program is to help students lose the fear of presenting in front of a group by equipping them with effective presentation skills. The program starts in First Grade with one videoed oral presentation and continues from Second through Eighth Grades with two videoed oral presentations a year. Students learn about key areas of good presentation: stance, introduction, eye contact, voice, gestures and ending. The key component of the program is that students are videoed as they give their presentation and then within the following week a parent meets with each student individually giving them positive feedback as they watch their personal presentation. Students grow in confidence as they learn some key essential elements to oral presentations.
Click here for more information about PCA's Communication Arts Program and how students can get involved!
Lions Scholar Program
The Lions Scholar program (LSP) at Prestonwood Christian Academy equips and develops students to enter prestigious universities to attain positions of influence in leadership, academics and places of cultural impact for the purpose of engaging the culture for Christ. The most influential institution in America, if not the world, is the educational institution. In order for evangelical Christians to continually be involved in areas of leadership and influence, they must engage the mind.
The Middle School LSP program (grades 5-8) is structured around texts by Christian authors. This process prepares students for Upper School LSP, which as previously stated emphasizes great books and significant literature.
Future Problem Solvers
A focus at Prestonwood Christian Academy is to provide challenging enrichment opportunities for students that compliment and enhance the regular curriculum. Future Problem Solving Program International provides a venue for students at PCA to utilize their skills they have acquired to compete in a competitive setting that includes the best and brightest students from public schools from the state of Texas. Those students who advance to international competition compete against the best from other states and countries also involved in FPSPI.
The goals of the program are to:
Develop creative thinking (fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration)
Develop and improve research skills
Increase awareness of and interest in the future while studying current significant issues
Develop teamwork skills
Improve communication skills both written and verbal
Develop critical and analytical thinking skills
Learn and utilize problem solving strategies
Program Overview
Future Problem Solving, which began in 1974, is an international competitive program where gifted and high-achieving students are given the opportunity to compete in either team, individual, community service, creative drama, or scenario writing competitions. FPS teaches students how to think, not what to think, and instructs students how to examine the world in constructive ways while providing them with strategies for facing the unknowable future. (FPS Manual)
Constitutional Convention
The year was 1787. The place: the State House in Philadelphia, the same location where the Declaration of Independence had been signed eleven years earlier. For four months, fifty-five delegates from the several states met to frame a Constitution for a federal republic that would last into "remote futurity." Prestonwood Christian Academy's Fifth Grade students portray those delegates to that convention and the framing of the federal Constitution. This meaningful activity involves active debate on the key issues of the day and challenges our students to think critically.
PCA is committed to teaching students about a healthy lifestyle. The FitnessGram is a series of physical activities done by students in a controlled setting in order to obtain a benchmark of their overall fitness level. The testing consists of several components such as a pacer test, push-ups, curl-ups, a trunk lift, and a BMI measurement that provide an indication of a student’s level of fitness. Results are sent home, along with a letter of explanation, after all test data is entered. This is repeated annually in order to track growth.
Regional Fair
Honor Guard
The PCA Middle School Honor Guard is made up of approximately twenty Sixth Grade students who have a strong desire to honor the Lord by demonstrating a love for their country. This is accomplished through participation in a reverent flag ceremony at the beginning and end of each school day for one week a month. The Honor Guard also presents the American flag at various ceremonies and worship times during the school year.
Academic Competitions at
PCA Parents can find more specific information and links to register their students via myPCA.
The Middle School leadership and guidance counselor are outstanding. I love the student ministry opportunities in which my child participates.
Comment from a recent parent survey
PCA Plano Middle School Student Advisory Council