World Impact Day at Prestonwood Christian Academy is the culmination of an entire year's effort to connect missions throughout every division of our school. World Impact Day is a day set apart to pray and help students in each grade level prepare to go on their mission trip during Minimester Week.
World Impact Day begins with All School Worship for students and faculty of all grade levels, and families within our community. The service starts with a flag ceremony with over 90 flags representing countries where PCA families have gone on mission. The last flags presented represent the countries that our Upper School students will be ministering in during the next week. Each mission participant is commissioned and prayed over during the service. Everyone is challenged to serve where they are and to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Minimester participants visit the classes of the Lower School and Middle School grade levels who adopted their mission. While there, mission participants share specific prayer requests, testimonies and answer any questions about the place they are about to visit. Each student is given a bracelet with their country name on it to remind them to pray for the missions over the next week.
On World Impact Day, the entire school is served rice and beans for lunch as a reminder that we are indeed blessed in North Texas, and that there are billions of people throughout the world that have nothing but rice and beans each day. Students are encouraged to donate their normal, daily lunch money as an offering for World Missions.